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School Nurse

My name is Mrs. Carolyn Tilton. I am the school nurse at Harrisville Wells Memorial School and Nelson Elementary School. It is my pleasure to have the opportunity to care for the students. I cannot diagnose, but I can assess and provide recommendations based on the presentation and health of the students. I look forward to this year with all of you, and please feel free to reach out to me with any questions. I am here to help!

Health Office Information:

The school nurse provides the necessary link between parents/guardians, educators and the medical community. They maintain the health records for every student, evaluates illness/injuries, plans for students with medical needs, and is a resource for staff, students, and parents/guardians.

A cumulative health record is maintained on each student, K-12. This includes the required physical examination and documentation of state mandated immunizations (RSA 200:38).

During the school year, the school nurse will be providing health screenings for students. These include, but are not limited to: heights & weights, hearing, and vision. When appropriate, guest experts may assist the school nurse with these screenings.

Carolyn Tilton

Harrisville Wells Memorial School Nurse, Nelson School Nurse